New Featherhood… errr… Fatherhood. Yeah, Fatherhood.

To post this in my Daddy blog, or post this in my Parrot blog? Hrmm… conundrum!

I’ve been a father now for 3 months and to the people that gave me that crazy look before the baby was born… bite me! Let me backtrack.

People would often want to give parental advice to the would-be father and much of that centered around the baby’s needs and understanding his/her communication. I would compare it with that of parrot behavior. I got a lot of strange, dirty looks. Keep in mind, I live in Mormon country where most parents are “professional parents” with 10 + kids and man was put on this Earth to rule over animals, no questions asked.

Now, 3 months in to parenting, I can say that every comparison I made was right and these narrow-minded, species elitists can go bite me!

When do you clip a baby’s nails? When they’re quiet and subdued (sleeping). When do you clip a parrot’s nails? When they’re quiet and subdued (toweled… usually).

What will a baby do when they see something new and unusual? Stare at it and/or freak out. What will a parrot do? Stare at it and/or freak out.

What do you do when baby freaks out? Remove offending object and/or baby. What do you do when a parrot freaks out? Remove offending object and/or parrot.

What does a baby do when they hear a loud noise and startle? Throw hands and legs out and flail around a bit. What does a parrot do when they hear a loud noise and startle? Throw wings and feet out and flail around a bit.

How do you subdue/restrain an overexcited infant? Wrap them in a towel, swaddle. How do you subdue/restrain an overexcited bird? Towel them.

How do babies communicate? With eyes, body language and sound. How do parrots communicate? With eyes, body language and… well… actual words… sometimes.

What do you do if a baby hurts themselves? Make sure they’re ok and not make a big ordeal over it. What do you do if a parrot injures themselves? Make sure they’re ok and not make a big ordeal over it.

Seriously parents, what’s so hard about this again? Us “parrot people” have been taking care of these so-called “babies” for years now!

I am an animal advocate. I not only love, but respect animals... all animals. I have spent several years of my life dedicated to working in animal rescue and now have very little left to lose in expressing my true thoughts and ideals on the subject.

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Posted in Animals, parenthood, Parrots
2 comments on “New Featherhood… errr… Fatherhood. Yeah, Fatherhood.
  1. Chrys Bruso says:

    Brian t is all common sense isn’t it. I am so glad you and Amy enjoy your parent hood status.


  2. tongueinbeak says:

    It is! The real offense to these parents though is when we say things like, “I toweled him until he went to sleep last night” referring to the baby, and neither of us even flinch.


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